Moving Forward

Dear friends,

Things seem to rarely got to plan. If things had gone to plan we would’ve spent last week recording our debut EP in Daytona Beach with our friend Matt Goings. Obviously to anyone that had donated to or followed our kickstarter campaign, we were unable to raise the funds to do so. Before I continue I need to say thank you so much to each and every one of you that supported us, it meant the world and to me and to the rest of the band and we still can’t wait to bring this music to you! We had close friends and total strangers contribute and each and every pledge brought a smile to my face. (Since the campaign failed to achieve its goal, none of your accounts were charged by kickstarter so no worries on that part).

So now the question of where we go from here. I came into this year with some huge plans, and I still hope that some of them come to fruition. I’m going to be very open and honest in this blog post with you guys. This year has not been easy for me so far. I’m finishing up my last semester of college and recently found out the medical reason why I’ve been so exhausted for the last few years. Finding out that there was a reason for my constant fatigue, was a huge relief and hopefully I will be back to my energetic self by the time summer comes around! I would appreciate any prayers you can offer on that front! The fatigue has affected productivity in all areas of my life including at school, work, and in music. The added stress of constantly feeling behind in my responsibilities and not having the energy to focus or keep up has affected me emotionally as well, leaving me in a place I really haven’t wanted to be. Taking this all into consideration, I’ve realized I need to slow down and not rush things with this band. I feel that God has given me this huge vision and dream of what this band could be, but I can’t rush it and try to force something we’re not ready for.

So here’s what this all means. First of all, we are still looking to bring an EP to you as soon as possible, hopefully this year. We’re looking into several options and will keep you guys up to date as we decide how to proceed. We are certainly at least delaying until the summer. This allows me to focus on my final semester of college and finish strong so that I can then give this music the full attention it deserves and the attention that you as listeners deserve. We hoped to tour the east coast this summer and that is most likely not going to happen, but we will continue to play shows and we’re looking to expand in both the number of shows we’re playing and the geographic range we’ll be visiting.

I believe in a bright future for this project! I believe these are simply speed bumps along the way to seeing these dreams come to life! And speed bumps aren’t always bad, as annoying as it is to be jarred into slowing down, often times it keeps us from moving too fast for our own good. This is just the beginning, and there will be so much more to come!

Please pray for me as I finish my college degree and as I face down the fatigue that has held me back! Please pray that as I grow and enter this next phase of my life that I will once again find the joy, motivation, and energy (both physically and emotionally) that I once had! God is good, and even when life is hard he is always faithful. Love you guys and can’t wait to see you at a gig or out and about in life!

Hear the voiceless,




Help us record our debut EP!

Find our kickstarter campaign here:


Music is so much more than just sound, it’s a movement, it’s an art form, and it’s a culture. It says things that cannot be communicated by words alone. My name is Stephen Nettles and I’m the lead singer/frontman of a band I call The Voiceless. Why the name The Voiceless? Well let me tell you a story. When I was younger I heard a song by Blink 182 called Adam’s Song. It was a song about a kid who everyone thought was happy, who was actually miserable inside and contemplates suicide. The effect on me was powerful, I was never able to look at those around me quite the same again. My eyes were opened up to the reality that everyone needs love and hope even if they look like they have it all together. It was music that helped understand that, and music continues to be my language. I chose the name The Voiceless to stand for that. I want to reach out to those that need to know they are not alone, that they are not the only one that feels how they feel and that there is something better in this life, that there is hope, and that there is someone who loves them no matter what may be happening in their life, and that that love is fierce and persistent. Love is the message God has given me to share, and music is the language he has given me to share it with. I also want to be a voice for the voiceless, to share their stories and to bring light to it. Whether its the hurt and sorrow that are so often a part of life, or huge issues of injustice around the world. This is a multi part process, music is a part of this, but more than anything I want this mentality and vision to shine through what me and my band do off stage and after shows. Whether its meeting with fans and just listening to them and praying with them, or talking about issues that matter and raising awareness and giving calls to action. The alternative music scene is what I call home, and music is what connects us. Recording this EP is a huge step in walking into the calling I feel is on my life. I plan on bringing the band on our first tour this summer and this EP will give us music to tour on and promote ourselves with. I want to be completely honest with you, this is not about producing a “Christian” album or even an album full of messages. The main bulk of ministry I want to do happens off stage and in conversations or in the causes we talk about and promote. This EP will contain everything from love songs to songs about friends to songs that are just about life. Please consider helping me move this project forward. Help me get out there where I can make connections and make a difference. Help me be a voice for the voiceless!