What am I doing in New York?
So I’m in New York! Crazy I know! I’m living on Long Island doing an anti-bullying musical called No More Victims with a non-profit theater company called All Access Productions. We’ve spent the last month rehearsing and on Friday we start our 2 month tour performing in middle and high schools across Long Island. I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this company!When I met them last fall, the director Dan talked about being a voice for the voiceless and standing up for those who are bullied, abused, and alone. Anyone who knows anything about me or this band knows that that is the goal I have for this band, it’s the reason we’re called The Voiceless. Being here is giving me the chance to not only live out that message, but to learn from people who have been doing it for years! I will still be moving to Nashville after tour is over and the band is still going to continue so no need to worry about that! There are big things for The Voiceless in the future and being here is a part of preparing and walking into that for me! Here’s a look at what I’ll be doing for the next 2 months!
2015 All Access Promotional Video from All Access Productions on Vimeo.
This is a message that the schools of America desperately need to hear. Countless kids are suffering everyday because of bullying and it’s time to say enough! Students should not have to suffer at the hands of their peers! It’s time to see empathy and compassion return to our culture, and this production is a powerful tool to work towards that end!
We have a cast and crew of over 20 people and it cost a lot of money for us to be housed and fed as well as the money it takes to produce and run a program like this! Each and every one of us is making absolutely nothing off of this. We’re walking away from jobs and opportunities to spend 3 months doing this for free! Not even our directors or staff make even a dime off of this! In order for us to meet our budget we’d have to charge each school we perform at $6,000 and that’s just way too much money! We want this to be in as many schools as possible so we’ve cut that number in half! Each school we perform at is asked to pay $3,000 for the day, and each of us as cast and crew have committed to raising $3,000 to match that and make it possible to bring this to the schools!
We need your help! I need your help! Not a dime of $3,000 I’m raising goes into my pocket! Every last penny goes directly to helping a school afford to bring No More Victims to their students! I believe this is a cause worth supporting! Would you be willing to join us? To help fight for those that have no voice? To be a voice for the voiceless? To help us tell hurting kids in these schools that they are loved and that there is hope? I still need to raise around $2000 to meet my fundraising commitment, would you be a part of that? Don’t think that what you can afford to give won’t help! If 200 of you gave just $10 then we’d have the money we needed to help a school bring us in! Imagine the power of just 10 people giving $200 dollars to make this a reality!
So many of us have either personally been affected by bullying or seen it tear apart people we love. Its an evil horrible thing that we can bring and end to! Enough is enough! You can make a difference! If you want to donate you can easily donate on the All Access website through paypal!
If you have checks, you can send a check directly to our offices and ensure that 100% of what you donate gets to the schools! (paypal takes a percentage out of each donation that we lose).
All Access Productions
PO Box 663
Smithtown, NY 11787
Either way, please include a note, either as a paypal memo or with the check designating that you’re donating to help me meet my fundraising commitment.
Thankyou so so much! I really believe in what we’re doing and I want to see this get in as many schools as possible! We’re still booking and we’re looking at reaching between 20 and 30 schools over the next 2 months! Can’t wait to get new music in your hands this winter and can’t wait to see you on stage again soon!
Hear the Voiceless,
Stephen Jesse Nettles